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The publication of the proceedings HOMER2021 will be publish in the form of a collective book available in free open access on the Sidestone Press platform.

The papers will therefore be available both in printed form and online. They will thus benefit from a wide international audience. 

Oral contributions and posters will be treated in the same way (length of submitted text, proofreading).

The manuscript submission is closed.

Papers should consist of a 200-word abstract, a list of 5-10 keywords, a text of maximum 5,000 words and 3 A4 pages of illustrations.

English and French are the two languages accepted.

A second slightly longer abstract (500 words) and a list of 5-10 keywords in the second language should also be provided.

Two reviewers will be invited for each paper.

For more details, plaese consult the complete guidelines for authors for an English paper here, for a French papeici


Review form for authors for an English paper Homer_review_formHOMER2021.docx French papeFormulaireRelectureHOMER2021.docx


The reviews should be sent to







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