Sessions > Session 2


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HOMER 2020 - Session 2: Unlocking the potential of submerged, intertidal and coastal sites: Developing methods for their identification and study

The huge diversity of coastal and marine sites is mirrored by the range of environmental contexts that these sites are located within. Sites can be submerged, hidden below or behind sand dunes, buried in the depths of coastal marshes or located on the foreshore, and accessing and studying these places can present difficulties. Locating and identifying sites is also constrained by the almost constant change of coastal environments, where tides, erosion, and the passing of the seasons can cause huge alterations. Some changes can be extremely rapid, for example, when erosion causes damage or the sea floods a site twice daily. Methodologies for recording and excavating such sites need to be developed, including advance planning and adaptation strategies to overcome problems during field campaigns.

This session aims to compare experiences, including difficulties encountered and the means developed to understand coastal sites located in challenging environments. We invite papers to discuss methods developed and techniques implemented to locate, record, to investigate or protect such sites.



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